Episode 14: Quarterly Spotlight: Damond Boatwright

“Trust that a ‘no’ will take you closer to the right ‘yes’ for you.”  That’s just one of many career and leadership lessons Damond Boatwright, President and CEO of Hospital Sister’s Health System (HSHS) shares in this Quarterly Spotlight podcast.

With this podcast, Coffee with the College begins a quarterly focus on learning from the career paths of current or emerging healthcare leaders.  Career profiles are a favorite with our listeners, and this engaging dialog with Damond delivers on hard-won lessons learned.  He not only talks about patience, but also lessons learned from listening (even when it’s hard), setbacks (even when they’re tough) and taking risks.  Grab a cup of coffee and get ready to learn great career insights from this inspiring leader.

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 13: Addressing Social Determinants of Health: Marie Barry

Are you a leader in healthcare faced with the challenge of addressing important issues around social determinants of health within the communities you serve? In today’s episode, our host Janet Schulz discusses some non-healthcare topics with the Rural Wisconsin Healthcare Cooperative (RWHC) Director of Economic Development, Marie Barry. Born out of a need to create synergies between rural hospitals and rural communities, the RWHC launched a formal Community Economic Development program in 2021 and has experienced some early success in developing solutions around broadband, transportation, childcare, and housing issues, to name a few. Marie explains how the program acts as a “bridge” between the hospital and community, and works to insure that diverse representation is at the table when discussing economic development. Collaboration, community involvement, and courage to work in uncharted territory are all lessons learned that Marie shares for leaders looking to make a greater impact. We hope you enjoy!

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 12: How Organizational Leaders Can Prepare their Enterprise for the Unexpected: Ted Uczen

In our last episode, we discussed how a supervisor can directly impact employee wellness in times of stress by allowing time away from duties or by being a listening ear.  This month we scale up and discuss how organizational leaders can prepare their enterprise for the unexpected.  In this episode, we chat with Ted Uczen, former President and CEO of FEI Behavioral Health, a workforce resilience company that partners with organizations to protect and enhance workforce effectiveness and organizational resiliency.  Ted explains how organizations should have a “People Plan,” similar to an Emergency Preparedness Plan, to be ready for when “life happens” to employees.  Employees experience life events every day and while Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) can guide staff to therapy services, EAP should be tapped for much more.  Ted makes it clear that EAP goes beyond post-trauma counseling; it’s about managing through the little things and providing meaningful education and training.  Listeners can use Ted’s tips to improve long-term resiliency and effectiveness of employees through daily support.  Ted suggests we slow down and “create the time to think about what’s next.”  We hope you enjoy!

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 11: Supporting a Team’s Emotional Resiliency: Gina Kangas, LCSW

Many of us are doing our best to support the emotional resiliency of our teams over the last couple years, but not all leaders have the experience and tools to effectively manage through an ongoing crisis. Today, we get some help from Gina Kangas, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who serves as the Mental Health Outpatient Manager and back-up Employee Assistance Coordinator at the Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee. Gina explains how a collective sense of community can help us fight through these experiences together. Similarities in our experiences help us relate to each other and in times of stress, we just need someone to listen and understand. Gina tells us to be “that person” . . . that listening ear . . . for our employees. She also provides other stress-relieving tips and ways to integrate new staff in a virtual environment. We hope you enjoy.

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 10: Aligning Your Organization with the Community: Jerome Garrett

In this episode, we chat with Jerome Garrett, Department Administrator for the University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine and Community Health.  Jerome provides insight on why it is important for an organization to be a reflection of the community it serves, and offers guidance to leaders on how to connect with their community in order to better understand local needs. Beyond this, Jerome discusses how healthcare organizations benefit when community members have a seat at the table so their voices can be heard in, and enhance, decision-making.  He also explores the topic of “targeted universalism” and how a focused improvement can be beneficial to the masses.  We hope you enjoy!

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 9: What really matters to patients and their families: Kristin Baird

Working in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic has been daunting, exhausting, and stressful to say the least, but we are obligated to keep fighting and care for those who need our help.  Sometimes that means lying on your back on a dirty floor holding an iPad towards the ceiling so a prone patient can video chat with family, or simply being the eyes and ears for family and relaying updates on a consistent basis.  The Patient Experience is a defining attribute of healthcare organizations and in the age of consumerism, we all need to keep pace.  Today, we are chatting with Kris Baird, President and CEO of the Baird Group, a patient experience in healthcare management consulting firm based in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.  Kris provides valuable insight into what really matters to patients and their families and she’ll also explain how healthcare leaders can improve their patient experience.  We hope you enjoy!


Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 8: Career Path of a Physician Leader: Dr. Joe Behn

Do you see yourself as a leader?  Others might; listen to your trusted colleagues and mentors who may be nudging you to assume more leadership roles. They may see something in you that you don’t see yourself. Today we chat with Dr. Joe Behn about his career path as a clinician leader. He is the Vice Chair of Family Medicine, Clinical Practice, SWWI; Instructor of Family Medicine; and Chair of Virtual Community Care Subcommittee, SWWI at Mayo Clinic Health System. We discuss how all leaders make mistakes but no mistake is unrecoverable; except those you don’t learn from. We hope you enjoy!

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 7: Public Policy Issues Facing Health Care

On this episode of Coffee with the College, our host Janet Schulz discusses some public policy issues facing health care with Marshfield Clinic Health System’s Ryan Natzke, Chief External Affairs Officer and Brad Wolters, Director of Federal Government Relations.  Ryan and Brad give insight into how industry knowledge, building coalitions and a good story go a long way in creating legislative change.  Later, they dive into the current state of policy efforts to increase patient access to care throughout Wisconsin.  We hope you enjoy!

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 6: Career Journey: Seth Teigen, Chief Executive Officer at Providence Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo

How do you respond when a senior executive in your organization asks you, “what do you want to be when you grow up?”  Do you risk sounding too ambitious and reply with “I want YOUR job”?  Do you sidestep and risk a label of “lacks direction” by saying you’re taking it one step at a time?

Today, we explore how the answer to this question was critical to the career of Seth Teigen, Chief Executive Officer at Providence Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo, California.  Seth takes us on his career journey, including a story about one of his worst decisions as a new leader, and how an experienced executive advised him never to make a similar mistake again!  He also talks about work-life balance, taking advantage of stretch assignments, and how ACHE impacted his professional growth.  We hope you enjoy!

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 5: AI in Healthcare – Part 2

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage in the consumer products industry, and it’s now increasingly creeping into the healthcare space.  Should we be fearful of computers making healthcare decisions?  Are there privacy concerns?  These two podcasts feature Ron Galloway, a technology researcher and author of three books describing the influence of technology in our lives.  Ron will provide insight into how AI is developing in other industries including Big Tech and how AI can be leveraged in healthcare.  This insight includes a discussion of the documentary “Alpha Go” and how humans change the way they think or act based on machine learning.  Is this a good or bad thing?  Ron will also tell us the two products Wal-Mart increases stock of during hurricanes.  We hope you enjoy!

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.