Category Archives: Podcast

Episode 24: Futurist – Ian Morrison – Part 1

Today’s episode is the first of two with Ian Morrison.  Ian is an internationally known author, consultant, and futurist who specializes in long-term forecasting and planning with a particular emphasis on health care and the changing business environment.  In this first episode, Ian discusses the potential future of employer activism as an avenue to push back on rising healthcare costs, rising labor costs and disruptors creating never-before-seen competition.

The second of the two podcasts with Ian will focus on workforce issues and opportunities.

Episode 23: Working Parents: Michelle Yu

During this month’s podcast, we’re departing from our usual discussions of healthcare leadership and industry issues to talk about a topic that impacts healthcare personnel. The experience of being a working parent. This topic matters to healthcare because workforce availability, employee focus and staff wellbeing are all impacted by whether we feel our children are cared for and safe, and by how working parents are supported as they re-engage in their work following the birth or adoption of a child.  Michelle Yu, CEO and Co-Founder of Josie a company dedicated to transforming the working parent experience, will help us explore this topic. For more information on Josie, click here:

Below are the links to the studies / articles referenced during the podcast:

Episode 22: Quarterly Spotlight: Bill Santulli

Bill Santulli, president of the Midwest Region of Advocate Health, is our quarterly spotlight guest.  In this podcast, Bill provides thoughtful insights into the internal values compass that guides his leadership approach.  He also shares perspectives on what the FACHE credential has meant to his career, and points listeners to the wealth of info related to FACHE exam prep on the ACHE website.  Enjoy listening to and learning from this veteran healthcare leader!

Episode 21 – Part 1: Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI)

This podcast is the first of several we will be featuring on the topic of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, also known as JEDI.  We’re fortunate in Wisconsin to have several strong healthcare professional organization chapters – the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), the National Association of Health Services Executives (NAHSE), and the National Association of Latino Healthcare Executives (NALHE).  This podcast explores the history each chapter, the synergies between them, what’s next in their evolution, and describes how you can get involved.

Episode 20 – Coming Out of the Dark: Dr. Nick Turkal

In September 2022, ACHE-WI had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Nick Turkal as keynote speaker of the chapter’s annual conference.  Nick served as President and CEO of Aurora Health Care for 12 years and is the current CEO of the Center for Health Education and Access.  In this Coffee with the College segment, we catch up with Nick and ask him to expand on some of his keynote topics.  Our chat includes discussions about lessons learned from the pandemic, creating dialog with younger generations about work, the importance of having purpose and many more.  We hope you enjoy.

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 19: Quarterly Spotlight: Ryan Neville

Our quarterly spotlight guest is Ryan Neville, President of the Wausau/Weston region of the Marshfield Clinic Health System.  In describing his career journey, Ryan emphasizes the importance of meaningful relationships and connecting with people where they are.  He learned this early in his healthcare career as an Occupational Therapist in Ohio.  To take this a step further, Ryan shares his proudest leadership moment as one that brought people together, and notes that his biggest career setbacks involve losing great employees.  In this podcast, you’ll learn how he actively works to prevent operational noise and distractions in order to remain engaged with employees, sustain relationships and increase retention.  Some might say his best retention tools are actually the two furry friends that join him during rounds!  For more details, you’ll have to listen to the full episode.

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All Rights Reserved.

Episode 18: Boldly Breaking Through Silos: Michael Grubich

In this episode we discuss Breaking Down Silos with Mike Grubich, President and Chief Talent Officer at the LAK Group.  Mike explains how thinking in systems versus functions can create a sense of mutual ownership of a service or product.  Systems thinking opens communication lines and increases efficiency.  Mike explains that shadowing by one function of another can create cohesiveness within the larger entity, such as finance shadowing a direct patient care setting.  We hope you enjoy!

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 17: Quarterly Spotlight: Carrie Killoran

Career journeys are often roller coasters of great achievements and . . . “learning moments”.  In this quarterly spotlight episode, we have coffee with Carrie Killoran, Advocate Aurora Health Care’s Greater Milwaukee Patient Service Area and President of Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center.  Carrie dives into making the best of an unexpected situation and how it can lead to great success in the long run.  She encourages us to embrace special projects and to get out of our comfort zone to create learnable moments.

Carrie began her career in health care policy and then moved into private practice health law in Milwaukee.  As her next career step, she became Chief Compliance Officer with Advocate Aurora, providing her an inlet to hospitals and health systems.  To hear the rest of her professional journey, you’ll have to take a listen.  We hope you enjoy.

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 16: Culturally Competent Care: Richelle Webb Dixon

Many health care organizations are working to ensure they provide culturally competent care.  Some claim to already provide it.  How does an organization know if they are?  Last month, Coffee with College sat down with Richelle Webb Dixon, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to dig into this topic.  Richelle explains that organizations start with data to learn the demographics of their patient population.  Then, to be culturally competent, an organization must engage deeply with customers and create meaningful relationships in the community that drive the care provided. It’s not enough to just knowing your patient demographics.  What type of care is the customer asking for?  Only after this is known can you begin a journey to culturally competent care.  We hope you enjoy listening to Richelle’s insights.

If you would like to learn more about ACHE Wisconsin Chapter membership, Coffee with the College Podcast, or have general questions; please send us an email at or visit

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.

Episode 15: Intentional Leadership and Coaching: Tim McKeough

Leadership is a journey fashioned with vulnerability and risk taking, steering many of us to build walls that unintentionally inhibit progress towards achieving our goals.  In this episode, we chat with Tim McKeough, President, Owner and coach with Q Up Success, who gives us a sneak peek at how working with a professional coach can help to take down those walls and bring clarity to our goals.  Tim connects the dots between intention and impact, and invites us to be vulnerable as we reflect on whether we’re really making the impact we intend.  Giving and receiving feedback is a key theme here.  It’s a no holds barred discussion on intentional leadership and coaching.

Copyright 2022 American College of Healthcare Executives – Wisconsin Chapter.  All rights reserved.